Component of an armor set in Minecraft, such as a helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots.
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Classification system for armor sets in Minecraft, indicating their effectiveness and protection level.
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Distinctive environmental regions in the game, characterized by unique terrain, vegetation, and weather.
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Consumable items in Minecraft that provide nourishment to the player character.
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Powerful hostile creature in the game, often found in challenging dungeons or structures.
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Aggressive creatures in the game that actively attack players when encountered.
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Creature in the game that only becomes hostile if provoked, typically defending itself when attacked.
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Naturally occurring minerals found in the game Minecraft, used for crafting purposes.
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Items in Minecraft designed for specific tasks, including mining, digging, and building.
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The profession or occupation assigned to a villager character in the game.
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Measure of a villager's experience and proficiency in their assigned job or profession.
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Designated area or structure in Minecraft where villagers perform their job-related tasks and trading.
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Atmospheric conditions in the game that include rain, thunderstorms, and clear skies, affecting gameplay and ambiance.
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Natural resource in Minecraft, used for crafting various items and building structures.
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Generator to generate minecraft related entries.