Residential location including street, city, state, country and postal code.
a random address
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
{"Address":"53883 Villageborough, San Bernardino, Kentucky 56992","Street":"53883 Villageborough","City":"San Bernardino","State":"Kentucky","Zip":"56992","Country":"United States of America","Latitude":11.29359,"Longitude":-145.577493}
Unique numerical identifier on a credit card used for making electronic payments and transactions.
a random credit card number
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
Paragraph showcasing the use of trendy and unconventional vocabulary associated with hipster culture.
Paragraph Count
Sentence Count
Word Count
Paragraph Separator
a random hipster paragraph
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
console.log(faker.zen.hipsterParagraph(2,2,5,"\u003cbr /\u003e"))
Output (formatted as JSON value)
"Offal forage pinterest direct trade pug. Skateboard food truck flannel cold-pressed church-key.<br />Keffiyeh wolf pop-up jean shorts before they sold out. Hoodie roof portland intelligentsia gastropub."
Paragraph of the Lorem Ipsum placeholder text used in design and publishing.
Paragraph Count
Sentence Count
Word Count
Paragraph Separator
a random lorem ipsum paragraph
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
console.log(faker.zen.loremIpsumParagraph(2,2,5,"\u003cbr /\u003e"))
Output (formatted as JSON value)
"Accusamus et voluptatum voluptatem nisi. Nostrum atque molestias reprehenderit alias.<br />Reiciendis ut eos ut ad. Ea magni recusandae id fuga."
Distinct section of writing covering a single theme, composed of multiple sentences.
Paragraph Count
Sentence Count
Word Count
Paragraph Separator
a random paragraph
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
console.log(faker.zen.paragraph(2,2,5,"\u003cbr /\u003e"))
Output (formatted as JSON value)
"Quickly up brace lung anyway. Then bravo mirror hundreds his.<br />Party nobody person anything wit. She from above Chinese those."
Secret word or phrase used to authenticate access to a system or account.
a random password
Personal data, like name and contact details, used for identification and communication.
a random person
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
{"FirstName":"Josiah","LastName":"Thiel","Gender":"male","SSN":"558821916","Image":"","Hobby":"Winemaking","Job":{"Company":"Headlight","Title":"Administrator","Descriptor":"Chief","Level":"Configuration"},"Address":{"Address":"6992 Inletstad, Las Vegas, Rhode Island 82271","Street":"6992 Inletstad","City":"Las Vegas","State":"Rhode Island","Zip":"82271","Country":"Sweden","Latitude":-75.921372,"Longitude":109.436476},"Contact":{"Phone":"4361943393","Email":""},"CreditCard":{"Type":"Discover","Number":"4525298222125328","Exp":"01/29","Cvv":"282"}}
An item created for sale or use.
a random product
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
{"Name":"Quartz Teal Scale","Description":"Bravo mirror hundreds his party nobody. Anything wit she from above Chinese those choir toilet as you of other enormously.","Categories":["mobile phones","food and groceries","furniture"],"Price":82.9,"Features":["durable"],"Color":"green","Material":"bronze","UPC":"084020104876"}
Explanation detailing the features and characteristics of a product.
a random product description
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
"Up brace lung anyway then bravo mirror hundreds his party. Person anything wit she from above Chinese those choir toilet as you."
The specific identification string sent by the Safari web browser when making requests on the internet.
a random safari user agent
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.34.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.5 Mobile/8B114 Safari/6534.34.8"
Shuffle an array of strings.
a random shuffle strings
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
Randomly split people into teams.
a random teams
import { Faker } from "k6/x/faker"
let faker = new Faker(11)
export default function () {
Output (formatted as JSON value)
Generator with all generator functions for convenient use.